-Thank You!-

The following list are names of very special people who have supported Alicia from the beginning. She can not say thank you enough to these people for the love, encouragement, and the gentle pushing they have provided in her pursuit as a professional photographer.

Anthony Gines.
-You have supported me in my dreams of becoming a professional photographer and business owner since the first day you met me. Now, here I am, how many years later; actually going somewhere with my dream. I love you and thank you so much!

Pamela Kusler.
-Your underling support has shown me to never give up even when it got rough.

Lillian & Angelo Gines.
-Your investments have been gentle nudges that helped me reach certain goals in my pursuit to the finish line.

Maryam Gol.
-My FIRST sale. I still have my dollar bill on my bulletin board from your portrait session! You were an amazing client to work with, thank you!


Extra Special Thanks To:
Gregory Kusler and his friend Bob Cooney for providing "Alicia Gines Photography" with an absolutely wonderful car decal!

Bob Cooney with AVS Graphics
TEL:(408) 292-1335
EMAIL: bobjr@avsgraphics.com

He does signs, banners, vehicle lettering, large format printing.