Wednesday, June 8, 2011


ALicia Gines Photography's Blog has moved. You can visit the new blog by the link below.

Alicia Gines Photography Blog Spot

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter from Alicia Gines Photography (Children Photographer Stockton, CA)

From my bunnies to yours...Happy Easter. May your day be as exciting as it was for my littlest one to color her very first Easter egg!

Children Photography by Alicia Gines < please click this link to view more unique portrait photography!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Family Portrat Session at Oak Grove Park (Stockton, ca Portrait Photographer)

Aside from the birthday party/event that I covered last Saturday, today was the only session that I've had in quite a while. All of the upgrading to the business and getting the legal stuff situated has taken a lot of my time, not to mention the rain scared everyone off! Today was such a blast. It acted like it wanted to rain which is good and bad in a way. Rain, not good. Cloud cover, GREAT! Cloud cover allows the perfect type of lighting for portraits; not too sunny which causes dark under eye shadows. Add a little flash to a cloudy day and voila! Perfection. The family was very happy. I loved how they were themselves, said what they would normally say, acted as they would normally act, but were also respectful and nice. The little ones were just too sweet. I loved them to pieces! I believe the photos came out pretty darn great, but it's up to them to decide if they are great or not. I do hope you all enjoy them as did I. Here is your sneak peek. You are all welcome to grab this, copy and paste into your facebooks as you please. Just put in the caption, "" and if you know how hyperlink it to the website!

a few behind the scenes for you!

To check out more Professional Portrait Photography visit Alicia Gines Photography

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Boutique Packaging. -Professional Photographer (Stockton, ca)

When I started my journey to make my business eco-friendly, I looked to several other photographers for support. Yes, they shared their fabulous looking packaging but claimed that they "spent too many hours and hard work on finding it themselves so that in order to have their vendors lists (people who they bought their materials from), you would have to pay a fee". Honestly, I get it! I think it's a little silly to be handing out something for a simple fee when you can learn and become so much more when you discover it all yourself. However!!!!.....these photographers claimed to want to "help" the world by becoming eco-friendly. Wait....does that make sense to you? It really bothered me that they were completely contradicting themselves! If you are truly wanting to help the world you should be standing up on roof tops screaming out the free information, begging people to go that route to save the world! Not charging them and flaunting how wonderful your stuff is. Soooo, with that said I am sharing ALL of my tidbits on my beautiful packaging. I'm not gonna lie, it isn't top of the line because top of the line eco-friendly stuff is $$$$ way more then it needs to be. Boutique packaging isnt just about packaging your final products beautifully, but to also make sure they are safe. Buying TOP OF THE LINE doesn't mean your products are any more safe then the middle of the line stuff :o). My approach was simple. I wanted my packaging to reflect my photography which is to be natural and relaxed with a little flare to it; something ORIGINAL. So without further a it is in detail.

Just to prove to you that everything I buy is either biodegradable, recyclable, or recycled! and not to mention, purchased inside the USA. Buying local saves us from unnecessary emission that would come from the production of buying outside of the USA.

The unveiling of my new products (received and opening)

They didnt come in the same box, but voila.

The conversion from paper to digital is our biggest SAVE to the earth. By cutting back on all of our papers documents, contracts, etc and putting them in digital flash drives for our clients. These "Welcome Packets" can not only be reused, but they save trees!

The few things that we do still use for paper, I have purchased recycled kraft paper. Like you see here in my new referral program envelopes.

Instead of buying ribbon for my finishing touches, I have purchased twine.

To my gratification, I found out that the vendor I go through for my business cards was an eco-friendly business whom had low emissions in their factory. Here's the new business card (a million and one of them may I add lol)

Proud to announce I've already handed out about 40+ of these bad boys!

The New Referral Cards (a million and one of these as well)

All of the things that I do print are printed on 100% recycled banana paper. This banana paper is the mascot for the entire new business look.

First I would like to apologize for blurring the text in the photos. As much as I love to share my vendors and information, I can't share my exact words. :o)
And here it is...all in one. I printed one sample just so I could share with everyone the new look as a whole. All of the information that is in this folder will be presented on a flash drive to every client who puts down a non refundable deposit of $35.00 which holds their date.

The flash drive, it's box and some guidance to make everything easier for you :o)

The referral program and its contents. LOVE!

The final product excluding any prints or products. This is the folder which is all on the flash drive. The flash drive is in the box. A Thank you letter. And A Referral program.

If you love what you see then PLEASE comment! Let me know what you think!!! I would love to show my past, present and future clients the ACTUAL thing so BOOK A PORTRAIT session today for your family, your newborn, maternity, whatever it may today so I can show you the REAL thing!! :o)

Here is my vendor list.
Business Cards & Referral Cards-
Banana Paper- Office Depot
Tissue Paper (not shown)-
Black folder and envelope-
Twine- individual seller from
Flash drives-

To check out more Professional Portrait Photography visit Alicia Gines Photography

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Photo -Professional Photographer (Stockton,ca)

Look how beautiful the weather is getting!

This is a chosen location that I will be using for two upcoming portrait sessions; a creative makeup portrait session and a family session. I always go out and scout prior to my sessions. Even if it's a wedding, I will take the time out to know the place inside and out before the big day! It's a must!

Along with me, as usual, is my lovely little family so here you are; some more professional children photography and a look into my life. Hope that you enjoy. Go ahead and click the one of my Zoey and check out the face she's got on haha, she is one determined little walker I tell you!

.........and why not just one more? :o)

To check out more Professional Children and Portrait Photography visit Alicia Gines Photography

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mini Session Options for Easter. Professional Children Photographer (stockton, ca)

We all know the Easter bunny is right around the corner, have you gotten your little one(s) Easter portraits taken yet? Answer is probably not, right? Well, Alicia Gines Photography does offer mini-sessions to clients in Stockton, ca which is the perfect option for those Easter pictures! Just one or two shots of your little one in that absolutely cute outfit is enough to make you happy, but we can offer at least ten cute images in our 30 minute mini session!

Here is a few examples of my daughter who was sleeping. I literally took these shots within five minutes! She was laying on the couch sleeping so I got out her cute blanket, her ears, set-up my lighting and have a PERFECT Easter portrait to remember for ever! Priceless, no?

After a few natural shots of my little one sleeping, she decided to wake up and so I was able to capture a few more sweet moments in the remaining five minutes.

Mini Professional Portrait Sessions are $75.00 which includes a $15.00 print credit, 30 minutes coverage, phone consultation and ordering consultation. If you are interested in booking a mini portrait session for Easter or any occasion, please contact me!

Comments Encouraged! :o)

To check out more Professional Portrait Photography visit Alicia Gines Photography

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Professional Business with a Unique niche. - Professional Portrait Photographer (stockton, ca)

So, hubby sort of "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak! I've been working on a huge change with the business and I had planned to keep in on the down low until at least the week of Earth Day! Why the week of Earth Day you ask? Well...let me start with who, what, where, when, why, and how I came about all these changes!

As a person who is truly passionate about my work, and as a business person, it's my job to do everything that I possibly can to keep my dream of being a professional photographer and business owner alive! With that said, let's be honest; my business is pretty darn successful given the circumstances, but "pretty darn successful GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES" isn't what I have written in my business plan so some things HAD to change! I do not doubt my abilities or my choices, but to be frank I sort of surprised myself with the numbers I have drawn up at the end of every year for the past three years! I shouldnt be surprised! I stopped and realized this which led me to realize my potential of success for myself, my business, and for my clients! I finally found my unique NICHE just by realizing that I wasnt pushing myself as hard as I could! I am so thrilled and excited to share and get it all out to you! "What what what?!?! Say it already", is what you're thinking, right? Haha...well....I can't give you everything yet because it's all still in the works. Like I said, someone let the cat out of the bag so I am going to indulge in my excitement and share with you a little more.

Alicia Gines Photography provides professional, NATURAL, personal, and unique lifestyle photography; with emphasis on NATURAL! Let me stop there for a moment and ask you many photos have you HONESTLY seen with....less then model-type looking people or children in the photo? Tons, right?! Just about every photo that you see is of beautiful people. Doesn't that make you say to yourself that you hate pictures, you would never take pictures like that? I know for a fact that a lot of people say these sorts of things, just based off of my own friends, family, and even my husband. Photographers have approached the industry all wrong! Why pursue this small percentage of beautiful (appearance) people when there is a HUGE percentage of natural beauties out there who DESERVE to feel beautiful and have memories!!!? I love your freakishly gorgeous person, dont get me wrong. What I love more is the natural, average person who WANTS to be beautiful...who longs to be shown they are beautiful....who is! That is my target! So, let's continue....Alicia Gines Photography provides professional, NATURAL, personal, and unique lifestyle photography; with emphasis on NATURAL! We want to showcase that natural aspect. Who are YOU, what do YOU love to do? We take these aspects and highlight them with professional equipment and skills and have this amazing product that YOU WILL LOVE! Nobody else has done this! I JUST might be barking up the wrong tree here...but this is my new goal. I want to take that average mom, who works 24/7, thinks she has ugly baby fat still, dark circles, and show her she is one HOT MAMA that can buy a large canvas of herself and put it on that ever-so-dull blank wall!!!! And if showing men, women, and children that they don't have to be models isn't enough....I want to show my clients HOW MUCH I REALLY CARE by going eco-friendly with my business. What a better approach this "NATURAL" niche then to literally go natural!?! All of my materials I use from here on out; I vouch that they will be eco-friendly. I have already cut back my "trash" by at least 20% if not more! Completely got rid of all of my paper transactions and am replacing things with electronic ways and/or have replaced papers with recycled papers.....which brings me to the logo that you now see on the website. The new logo is inspired by the recycled paper. The paper we will be using from here on out is Banana Paper 100% recycled and in my opinion, SUPER CUTE. We've accompanied it with a very natural, but yet bright sunny yellow. Nope, no more blue, no more Damask! That was way over done! I have never seen anything like I have come up with, and I am proud to use it! So, Alicia Gines Photography has a new way of business, a new niche, a new logo, new projects in the making, and we even have new 100% organic t-shirts!!! Pretty darn cool, no? I am currently in the process of buying my new business cards, envelopes, flash drives, and soon as I gather everything together I will be sharing detailed photos.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think this will take me further in my endeavors? Do you think it's silly? Let's hear what you think!!!!!!

To check out more Professional Portrait Photography visit Alicia Gines Photography