Saturday, November 20, 2010

amature photographer to professional photographer. -Professional Portrait Photographer (stockton, ca)

Over the past year I have been pushed and I have pushed. Both between my husband and I we have grown a numerous amount with our skill and experience within the professional photography world. Webinars, seminars, meet-ups, tutorials, reading books, watching dvds, shadowing great professionals, trial and error, studying people, studying art, being in the "now" and in the "then"; there are so many ways that I have grown into the photographer that I am many that I honestly can't even list it all. I think it's a very important part of my growing process to review what my photography looked like a year ago and compare it to what my photography looks like now. We don't want to just look at the "cover"..never judge a book or even a photograph just based on its cover. It's about quality, time, passion, the story, the moment it was taken and what you see in the photo, it's about personal professional photography...and never just about a nice looking photo.

So...I take you all with me on this little trek back in time to compare my past photography to my current photography.


This was my very first newborn on the left...and on the right is my most recent newborn. I love the left and I think it looks good on the surface but when "I" look at it I know that when I took that shot I didn't know how to manage my flashes and I was working with both natural and studio lighting which worked against me. The photo on the right...I knew exactly what I was doing. The photo on the right is one of about twenty others I took. The photo on the left is one of one....that just isn't okay to not produce more lovely photos for a client.


The photo on my left was my very first maternity session and the photo on the right is my most recent maternity session. I have always been about natural features, never posing and the photo on the left was in the moment. However, I use to use white sheets as backdrops (GAG) and did a horrible edit job to it which completely ruins the photo. The photo on the right is all in the moment, exactly how the clients' personalities were, NO editing EVER, just a little style spalash! The photo on the left is much like my first newborn, I had no clue what I was doing or capable of with my flashes....and the photo on the right was a walk in wonderland :).


On the left is one of my first children portraits that I ever did. Sheets for backdrops, I had flashes but didn't know how to use them, and I wasn't as good with children and getting their personalities out of them as I am now. He was such a cute little guy and I didnt totally capture everything he was made of. As for the photo on the right I got !!!100s!!!!...of silly shots of this little guy being who he is as a little person...with quality and style attached.

This is a fun one. The photo on the right is lovely, but washed out. Overall, just a really bad b&w photo and it doesnt show exactly who and what she is made of. The photo on the right is ALL personality and style..and the utmost quality.

To check out more Professional Portrait Photography visit Alicia Gines Photography

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